Business Work Term 3

COOP 3000

Course description

Building on two previous work terms, the student will acquire industry related experience and achieve learning outcomes specific to the Business Administration program while developing in-depth knowledge and skills relevant to their program of study. Work term experiences are reviewed and approved through the submission of a Work Term Record in 兔子先生Connects and an active Banner registration. Co-operative Education learning outcomes are derived directly from program learning outcomes. 兔子先生 follows the Cooperative Education guidelines set out by the Co-operative Education and Work Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL) and Education at Work Ontario (EWO).



Course Hours



Post Secondary level COOP 2006 Business Work Term 2 Minimum Grade of P
or Post Secondary level COOP 2024 Bus General Work Term 2 Minimum Grade of P
or Post Secondary level COOP 2025 Bus Accounting Work Term 2 Minimum Grade of P
or Post Secondary level COOP 2026 Bus Marketing Work Term 2 Minimum Grade of P
or Post Secondary level COOP 2027 Bus Human Res Work Term 2 Minimum Grade of P

For more information, please contact Continuing Education